Cookie Dough Bites

  Cookie Dough Bites

With the weather getting warm we all just want to take off our shoes, hats, maybe even pants and go running through Towson’s beach with our hair flapping through the air as that kid in your psych class judges you for being such a…free spirit.  No need to fear, after this moment of spring fever you can go back to your room and treat yourself to some delicious cookie dough bites with a cold glass of milk (or almond milk if you’re like me) courtesy of a recipe posted by She Knows Food & Recipes last week.  I tailored the recipe so that you’ll have all the ingredients within walking distance (hey walking burns a lot of calories) and so you’ll be able to make this sweet little treat for you and all your friends right within your room.

All the ingredients needed for homemade no-bake cookie dough bites.

This recipe needs some granulated sugar (that’s baker code for regular sugar), flour, light brown sugar, vanilla extract, salt, butter, and some chocolate chips.  You’ll need to buy the chocolate chips, light brown sugar, butter and salt but luckily for you, you wonderful Towson student Outtakes in West Village sells all of that.  As for the sugar, vanilla, flour, bowl and spoon all you need to do is walk (or take the elevator if you’re lazy like me) to the lobby of your dorm and ask the nice CC worker (that person you awkwardly say thank you to for showing your onecard to them) if you can borrow them.  I bet you never knew they had that kind of stuff there didn’t ya!

Sugar Mixing

Now, take half a cup of sugar and a half cup of packed light brown sugar and mix them all up.

Slightly melt one stick of butter in your microwave.  Once it’s a mushy, plop it into the bowl and mix it up with the sugar until the batter looks like smooth and creamy (aka like a really mushy cookie without the chips)

Add half a cup of chocolate chips, a teaspoon of vanilla extract, a fourth of a teaspoon of salt and 3/4ths cup of flour to the batter (the original recipe said 1 cup of flour but that’ll dry out your bites and no one wants cookie dough that’s not gooey).  Mix all of this up and you’ll finally start to see your final product.

Roll Up

Once you’ve completely mixed the batter evenly, wash your hands (please), then shove them into your bowl and form the cookie dough into balls using your hands.  You’ll have enough batter to make 20 large cookie dough bites.  Place them on whatever kind of plate or tray you have and boom, chocolatey, gooey goodness is all yours.  Once you open your door I guarantee you you’ll make 20 new friends in your building with these bad boys.

On the off chance that you don’t finish all of the balls, stick the cookie dough bites in your microfridge and pop them out whenever you have a sweet craving.



  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/2 cup packed light brown sugar
  • 1 stick of butter
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 3/4 cup flour
  • 1/2 cup chocolate chips


  1. Combine sugars and butter until batter is creamy.
  2. Combine batter and the remaining ingredients
  3. Roll dough into large balls using your hand
  4. Eat and enjoy the cookie dough bites